The day you never thought youd live to see has finally arrived - i... worked. MAHAHA. DRAMATIC MUCH? HO YEAH. Okay enough being overly dramatic than necessary.
Kila (or more like Kila's brother?) hooked us up (lol) with a one day job at this event yesterday. We were at the venue by 6 am and finished at 6 pm T_T Its not that bad actually, all we had to do was sit under the tent, and register the families, explain something a little and give them a goodie bag. Unlike the blue colored shirt people who were acting all macho and konon cool sebab theyre the crew. Tu lah, perasan macho lagi, last2 kitorang yang nampak macho :D Muwahaha. Okay, buat2 faham :)
Anyhow, the event was mainly for children under 10 years old and their families lah obviously. So the place was filled with kiddies! They were so cuuuuuuute, i tell you. Some were so pretty (dressed up in dresses macam nak pergi tea party) and some were such stylish dolls with their leggings and shades and others were just plain adorable! Ada a few kiddies yang besar nanti sure hot gila okay :') Hahah.
The thing that i did not understand was why they hired the DJ. I mean, its a family event and theyre playing songs macam lagu Usher yang 'I wanna make love in this club' tu, sexy back, i kissed a girl, all the hip hop/techno songs (and i really do mean ALL) yang kids shouldnt be hearing lah, basically. Sumpah mencorruptkan kanak-kanak T________T
Teruk betul. I felt like throwing something at the DJ bagi dia sedar sikit and tukar to more appropriate songs, pop songs pun jadilah T_T Maine pulak felt like going to the Amcorp Mall yang dekat seberang jalan, buy a cd or two of proper songs and give it to the DJ haha. We concluded that the DJ salah event :) Dah la cakap its Sunday padahal baru Saturday and were at Ampang Park padahal dekat PJ, sah lah sesat -____-"
But its all good fun. I had a laugh :) Not bad for a first :D Mama bising though about not getting the check after the thing. But i dont mind, i went mostly for the fun of it :) In return, i slept for 16 hours :D Wahaha. Now, picture time!
(while me, looking sympathetically dekat Maine :P)
Ya, ada satu je clown yang annoying.
I dont know why i find him somewhat familiar :S
(not cause hes a clown lah kaan lol -.-)
He didnt really smile, at all.
Made him kinda scary. Dah la mata merah :|
Oh and that little girl was soo comel,
rasa macam nak gigitt pipi :B :D :>
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