I am done. For real this time.

It doesnt mean if something happened, you can easily, immediately make a certain conclusion to it.

How can you make a conclusion without exactly knowing the problem? What if you make a conclusion based on your assumption? Isnt that bias?

I know youre just saying it to ease your heart, to ease your pain that i caused. But deep down im sure you know its not true. I know that you know its not true.


Almost a year ago, ive written somewhere that I believe in God and His plans. Of course, i still do. And so, i leave it to Him. I did my part. Now, peace, please come to me.

Lol i sound like im gonna die or something -.- Hmm, i feel calm already :)

Cheers to my title & the change thatll soon happen. I cant wait, honestly :)


Nadira Rahman said...

Hey ru ok?

Ptri said...

Nadiraaaa! :D Im fiine, nothing i cant handle CEY konon mueheh. Thank you for asking :)) What happened to your blog lah? Haha.

Nadira Rahman said...

My blog?
Try find lah. Ada. ;)

Ptri said...

Ingat macam hide and seek apa nak cari2 :P Ahaha.