
Found a blog post from awhile ago :')

Friday, March 14, 2008

In the car, on the way home from Giant.

Mama: You better wake up early tomorrow if you want to follow mee.

Nurin: Follow you to where?

*forgot what they said -.-*

Akak: No, Aunty Iqa is going to a new school. School for big children, adults.

Nurin: No no no, AuntyQa will go to small children school la. *giggles*

Akak: Like yours ah?

Nurin: No no no, like, um, small children la.

Nurin: Then the children will call AuntyQa, Mrs AuntyQaa.

Nurin: And theenn, when the children see AuntyQa they will say "Hi Mrs AuntyQa!"

Papa: And theenn, and theenn. *teasing Nurin*

Nurin: Okay okay okay, and theenn the children will say "do you know, Mrs AuntyQa?"

Papa: And thenn, and thenn. Okay okay okay. *laughs*

Nurin: *giggles*And thenn, AuntyQa dont want to give homework. AuntyQa sleep at class..

Mama: Class room?

Nurin: No no no! AuntyQa will sleep at *something something*

Papa: And thenn, and thenn. *laughs*

Nurin: *giggles*And thenn, another teacher will call AuntyQa, "Mrs AuntyQa, Mrs AuntyQa!"

Mama: Ms la, Mrs dah kahwin.

Nurin: Ms AuntyQa?

Akak: Yes.

Nurin: Okay okay okay. Ms AuntyQa, Ms AuntyQa!

Nurin: Okay okay, now i call you Ms AuntyQa okay?

Nurin: Ms AuntyQa! Ms AuntyQa! *giggles*

Nurin and her random stories -__-



My Hero

Papa, you are the best father a child could ever ask for.
I love you<3


Theres a snake in muh boot!

So cute!

I love these peas! So adorable :D

Hands down, the most HILARIOUS part.
I love Buzz in Spanish mode! xD


Woody: Look, I just need to get out of here...
Buttercup: There is no way out!
Woody: ...
Buttercup: Just kidding. Door's right over there.


And i happened to stumble on this,

I feel like sucha child :D 
Haih :')






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